Monday, November 9, 2009

Apollo 18 manual



- Remove all cartridges
- Power up your C64/128 and disk drive
- Insert joystick in port 2
- Insert disk label side up
- Type LOAD"*",8,1. Press RETURN.

F1 restarts (from side 1 only; you must reboot from side 2).
F7 pauses.


- To successfully accomplish a complete mission:
-- Blast off
-- Perform docking and course corrections maneuvers
-- Land on the moon
-- Perform Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) on moon's surface
-- Blast off from moon and redock with the Command Module (CM)
-- Perform space walk and practice satellite capture
-- Re-enter earth's atmosphere and splash down
- To achieve the highest possible score based on each event on overall mission

- The mission is divided into several sub-missions. The end of each is marked by the mission status/score screen.
- Each sub-mission will contain a number of events and screens:
-- Telemetry screens
-- Status screens
-- Abort screens
-- Problem events
-- Action events
-- Observation events
-- "Log" screens

- Telemetry screen action is required at the start of most events.
- Telemetry screens may be accessed by typing "T". The player must either:
-- Adjust telemetry status settings until the status message at the bottom of the screen changes from "NO GO" to "GO".
--- Use cursor keys to move the white cursor down.
--- Use return key to change setting (Note: correct setting will show in green.)
--- Press the fire button to exit telemetry.
-- Run the next program required by the on-board computers.
--- Type the requested program number beside the prompt "ENTER PROGRAM #" using the number keys.
--- Press return.
The computer will echo its actions at the bottom of the telemetry screen as it executes the program.

- Status screens report the player's score at the end of each event.
- Press the space bar to see the status screens for other events.
- Press the fire button to proceed with the mission.

- When an abort is necessary the player should type "A".
- The player must press return to perform each stage of the abort procedures.

- Occasionally unexpected problems may arise during a mission. These may be handled by proceeding to the telemetry screen and taking the action recommended by the on-board computer (displayed at the bottom of the screen in white), or by making all telemetry settings green. Performing the recommended action is crucial to the mission's success.


- Goal is to achieve correct orbit.
Before proceeding type "T" to activate the telemetry screen and confirm that systems are "GO". This procedure should be done at the beginning of all events.
- Begin the mission by pressing the fire button.
- A red bar will appear (lower right) and will start to move. Try to press the fire button at EXACTLY the mid line.
- Your score is based on the number of 1000ths of second that your timing is off.
- Be sure that your total error on all events is kept to a minimum. The launch will be aborted if an error of 148 or greater is allowed.
- The launch events are divided into three groups with the accumulated error for that group being displayed at the bottom of the screen (in green).
- During the second group of events the gyros become active (yellow bars and horizontal gauge to the immediate left of the red bar).
- Use the joystick (left/right) to keep the bars balanced, and/or keep the needle of the horizontal gauge centered.
- If you allow the gyros to become too imbalanced, an alarm will sound. When the alarm sounds for a third time the launch will be aborted.

- Goal is to undock and redock the Command Module (CM) to the Lunar Module (LM).
- Use the joystick (left/right, up/down) to keep the approach vehicle centered on the cross hairs.
- Use the fire button to decelerate from the approaching vehicle.
- Your approach must be accurate and with a minimum velocity to be successful.
- Your score is based on the total time taken for a successful docking as well as the number of attempts, accuracy of the docking and velocity of the CM at docking.

- Goal is to fire rockets to correct course.
- Several mid-course corrections must be performed at various times during your journey to the moon.
- Your on-board computer will give you a count down from five to one. At the count, press AND HOLD DOWN the fire button to fire the engines.
- There will be a computer-calculated burn while the engines fire.
- Watch the burn panel carefully - when the numbers start to roll, RELEASE the fire button to shut down the engines. This will prevent over-correction. You are scored on your reaction time - release as soon as possible.
- Should numbers appear in the error overflow (over-correction) window, the burn will have to be repeated to get back on course.

- Goal is to land on the moon.
- There are three landing site approach windows. You will always start with site one.
- Use the joystick (left/right) to maneuver the lunar module in the OPPOSITE direction (joystick left makes the craft maneuver to the right).
- Use the fire button or joystick (down) to decrease the effects of your downward momentum (braking engine).
- Be sure to watch your altitude indicator, and to land with a minimum velocity.
- You are scored on:
-- Your ability to stay on course (the green line between the red corridor lines)
-- The number of burns required (the fewer the better)
-- The time taken (the faster the better)
-- Velocity at landing (the slower the better)
- If you stay outside the corridor, the on-board computer will take over and abort you from the current window (score is lessened). You will be given the opportunity to try a different window (landing site), but only three windows in total. After that the craft crosses the terminator into darkness behind the moon with insufficient fuel to attempt further landings.

- Goal is to reach the Surveyor III.
- Use the fire button to take your first jump.
- Lean forward to gain speed (joystick right).
- Lean back before you land (joystick left).
- If you land leaning too far forward for your current speed you will fall. The speed bar will be red if your lean is too far forward or backward to land without falling.
- You can gain height and speed by leaning back a little before you land. Leaning back too far for your current speed will result in a fall.
- Use the joystick (up/down) to keep on course (see the map lower left). If your position indicator is green you are on course. If it is red you are not.
- If you do stray too far off course you must stop, turn around and go back until you are again on course.
- You must make it back to the lunar module before you run out of oxygen.
- Your score is based on the time taken to complete the mission and total number of falls.

- Goal is to test the capture procedure on three satellites.
- Use the fire button to launch a satellite.
- Once elapsed time begins to count, use the joystick to accelerate in any direction.
- Use the up/down cursor key to move in and out of the screen.
- The graph at the lower left shows the three dimensions - the satellite is located at the center of the graph where the three lines meet. Each of the moving dots on the graph represents you in one of the three dimensions. When all of the dots are GREEN, you are in capture range.
- To capture the satellite:
-- FACE THE SATELLITE (3/4 view, joystick up/left)
-- PRESSING THE SPACE BAR will turn "ON/OF" your "space hook".
- Now use the joystick (all directions) in order to line the end of your hook up with the rotating spot of the satellite. PRESS the fire button to capture.
- If you miss or the satellite drifts out of range, press the space bar to put away the hook and allow you to move around.
- When a satellite is captured press the space bar. Then travel off the screen towards the CM.
- You are scored on the time/number of attempts taken for each satellite (number of times fire button was pressed while hook was out).

- Goal is too get down to Earth without burning up.
- Press fire button to begin descent.
- Use the joystick (all directions) to keep cross on "eight ball" centered. The more time the "eight ball" is off center, the higher the temperature rises. If your CM temperature rises above 5000 degrees F., your crew will perish.
- You are scored on your ability to maintain course.

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